
The Institute of Coating Technologies (IoCT) has stood out from its very beginnings through a number of successful partnerships with important academic, research and professional bodies in Greece and abroad, such as those with:

because the Institute strives to improve training of professional applicators and instructors and to pass on knowledge to the entire coating sector.


The International Association of Painting Contractors (UNIEP) represents more than 60,000 undertakings through 19 associations in 15 European countries employing about 280,000 coating technicians. UNIEP has worked to protect the interests of painting contractors throughout Europe and to promote their professional image by improving their skills and competences since 1953.

The Institute’s cooperation with UNIEP began in 2019 with the common goal of responding to the challenges confronting the coating technician sector in Europe. All members strive to ensure that education and training for applicators provides equal opportunities and capabilities to all coating technicians and to bolster their mobility in the European Union Member States. In this direction, the “Europa MAISTER” and “InPaint” programmes funded by the European Commission have already been implemented. The Institute works with UNIEP to implement the programme that will lead to the establishment of a European university painter’s diploma.

The partnership raises hopes in relation to the challenges presented by the digital revolution for professional education and training. Educational programmes based on augmented reality (AR) in professional development are being developed and tested together with the European partners.


The American organisation promoting standard development (ASTM) is a globally accepted standardisation organisation. ASTM has developed by establishing standards in a broad range of technical products and materials, as well as related systems and services.

Based in Pennsylvania, USA, ASTM was founded in 1898 and it is the oldest standardisation organisation. It is currently an international non-profit governmental organisation which develops international technical standards that become accepted worldwide. Nowadays, it is perhaps the largest standards organisation in the world and includes more than 12,000 standards.

Since early 2020, the Institute has been a member of ASTM, actively participating in the “D01 on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials and Applications” technical committee, which focuses on developing standards for the coating industry.


IVEPE is the education and training  branch of SEV (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises and Industries)in the field of Lifelong Learning and Vocational Training. It was founded in 1980 by a group of Greek manufacturers on SEV’s initiative for the purpose of providing professional training and continuing education for employed and unemployed people.

IVEPE offers more than 250 training programmes and has certified training facilities in Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos and Patras that serve as venues for its activities.

IVEPE’s cooperation with specialised educational organisations from Greece and abroad is one of the main axes for implementing its educational activities. As part of that effort, since early 2020, the IoCT has been one of IVEPE’s key partners in developing and promoting common educational activities on topics related to the paint and coating industry.

The common goal of both organisations is the exchange of know-how and the cooperation with recognised bodies and professionals from abroad with the aim of elevating the role of related professions involved in surface preparation and painting projects.

Institute of Corrosion

The Institute of Corrosion (ICorr) is a scientific body based in the United Kingdom which specialises in corrosion and the protection of metal structures. It is one of the top organisations in the world for the study and protection from corrosion.

ICorr is also an internationally recognised training and certification body for a large number of professionals and, amongst other things, offers certification courses for paint inspectors, as well as training programmes on universal protection of metal buildings and structures. The best-known programme, however, is ICATS – the Industrial Coating Applicator Training Scheme, which certifies metal structure painters and includes surface preparation and painting. The ICATS programme is being offered by IVEPE through a scientific partnership with IoCT.

Paint Inspector

The certified training body Paint Inspector trains professional paint inspectors throughout the world. With many years of experience in training, in cooperation with organisations such as the IoCT, it has held countless training programmes and trained more than 3,000 paint inspectors. The Institute of Coating Technologies, together with Paint Inspector, are teaming up to offer a training course in Greece for paint inspectors, leading to FROSIO certification.

Fraunhofer Institute 

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, based in Germany, is a leading global research organisation. Its main objective is to develop technologies of vital importance for the future. Amongst other things, the Institute works on developing new systems for preserving paints without using biocides (biocide-free paints).

The Fraunhofer Institute plays a critical role in research and innovation in the industry, as it is a driving force of advancement in paint. For the IoCT, it is an important partner in research and innovation actions.