Why IoCT?

The IoCT is a modern research and innovation institute in the paint and coating sector. It stands out because it has adopted an approach of supporting every need – large or small – wherever it might arise.

At the same time, the Institute is the only organisation providing education and training for Greece’s coating industry. Offering training for every professional applicator, coating inspector, coating manufacturer and paint store personnel is the Institute’s foremost goal. The ability to obtain certification of knowledge and skills for professional painters from the accredited body TUV Austria is a pioneering step for Greece and for the industry.  At the same time, the Institute stages seminars and one-day meetings to inform industry professionals and those who are indirectly involved, such as architects, engineers, decorators and others.

The Institute’s training programmes are aligned with the sector’s evolving demands and are offered through innovative and modern educational methods.

The IoCT is staffed by academics, senior manufacturing executives, esteemed and expert professionals in the field with career distinctions and years of experience. Through the Institute’s activities, they vigorously advance the dissemination of knowledge, good practices and sector know-how.  It is the only organisation positioned to promote quality knowledge in theory and practice.