The Institute of Coating Technologies (IoCT), as a lead training organisation in the field of coatings organised the FROSIO paint inspector training programme in Athens on May 17-21.
Norwegian Professional Council for Education and Certification of Inspectors of Surface Treatment (FROSIO) was established in 1986 in Norway and since 1987 has been certifying paint inspectors, while since 2003 it has been accredited according to ISO 17024. The FROSIO training and certification system is internationally recognised. The programme provides participants with best techniques regarding the surface preparation, coating application and inspection, including non-destructive methods and the use of inspection equipment.
The training took place at the Grant Hyatt Athens hotel with the participation of 13 trainees from Greece and the rest of Europe as well as 3 trainers from the certified training organisation Paint Inspector. During the programme, all the necessary measures taken to protect all from the spread of Covid-19 and all participants underwent self-tests.
Specialised online training had preceded the meeting in Athens, while during the training there were lectures, demonstrations, use of instruments and group work aiming at both the theoretical and the practical training. The training programme lasted 4 days. On Friday, May 21, the examinations were conducted in theory and practice by the CEO of FROSIO Mr. Ole Stræte.
The extremely successful organisation of the training programme, the continuing demand and the intense interest of the professionals, leads us to plan the next training in Athens in October 2021.